British Military Hospital (BMH)

For almost 40 years, there was a British Military Hospital (BMH) in Iserlohn.
Since the 1950s, several hundred children of members of the Canadian and British armed forces came into the world at BMH Iserlohn. Their parents were stationed at nearby bases and lived in Iserlohn and the surrounding towns such as Hemer, Deilinghofen, Soest, Werl, Senden or Dülmen. It was officially closed in 1994.

By law, the birth of a child at a BMH had to be notified to the local Registry Office if one of parents was a German citizen. Sometimes the parents registered the birth voluntarily even though both parents were Canadian and/or British citizens. The Registry Office in Iserlohn keeps all the birth records it has ever registered, even for British and Canadian children.

Get a certificate from the Registry Office

In 1999, some of the buildings of the former British Military Hospital were taken over by the Lake Seiler Boarding School, a secondary school with a Sixth Form and boarding facilities. For more information, please check their website.

In the year 2000, the Business and Information Technology School (BiTS), a state-approved, private university of applied sciences, moved into some of the buildings of the former British Military Hospital. For more information, please check their website.