Birth certificate:
- Your can obtain either a
- Birth certificate in German (= "Geburtsurkunde") or
- Birth certificate in several languages including English and French (= "Internationale Geburtsurkunde") or
- Copy of the entry in the births register (="beglaubigter Ausdruck aus dem Geburtsregister").
- You can only obtain entries in the births register at the Registry Office of the town in which you were born. Hence, Iserlohn maintains the entries for those who were born at the British Military Hospital in Iserlohn (regardless of where your parents were living at that time).
Marriage certificate:
- Your can obtain either a
- Marriage certificate in several languages including English and French (= "Internationale Eheurkunde") or
- Copy of the entry in the marriages register (="beglaubigter Ausdruck aus dem Eheregister").
- You can only obtain entries in the marriage register at the Registry Office of the town in which you were married. Hence, Iserlohn maintains the entries for those who were married at its Registry Office.
Death certificate:
- Your can obtain either a
- Death certificate in German (= "Sterbeurkunde") or
- Death certificate in several languages including English and French (= "Internationale Sterbeurkunde") or
- Copy of the entry in the deaths register (="beglaubigter Ausdruck aus dem Sterberegister").
- You can only obtain entries in the deaths register at the Registry Office of the town in which the deceased died. Hence, Iserlohn maintains the entries for those who have died in Iserlohn, regardless of where they were living before they died.
Civil partnership certificate:
- For a registered relationship between two people of the same sex, you can obtain a civil partnership (civil union) certificate in German (=Lebenspartnerschaftsurkunde").
- You can only obtain the entry for a civil partnership at the Registry Office of the town in which the civil partnership was registered. Hence, Iserlohn maintains the entries for those who signed the civil partnership document at its Registry Office (from 2001 onwards).
How to obtain a certificate:
- You can visit the relevant Registry Office and obtain a certificate. You will need to bring your ID card or passport and pay the necessary fee.
Alternatively: - You can apply by post. At the bottom of this page, you find a link which opens a pdf file containing the relevant form.
Please fill in the form and print it out. Then send the completed form with a copy of your passport or ID card and the required fee to the local Registry Office. Payment can be made by the following methods:
The easiest way is to go to your bank and convert your currency into euro banknotes. The fee including postage and packing for a single copy is €10. For additional copies, please see below.
Another option is to pay the fee by banker's draft (i.e. a cheque issued by your bank) payable in euros; the draft must be drawn on a German bank, or a German branch of a foreign bank. Personal cheques are not accepted.
Please send your payment to the Registry Office at the following address:
Standesamt Iserlohn
Postfach 2462
58634 Iserlohn
As soon we receive your application form and payment, the certificate will be forwarded to you.
Further Questions
- If you have any questions about the procedure or obtaining your certificate from the Registry Office in Iserlohn, please email the following address:
Please include your email adress or a daytime phone number, and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Fees (including postage and packing)
- Birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, civil partnership certificate (German or International version): €10
Two copies of the same certificate: €15
Three copies of the same certificate: €20